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Keep your expectations low, Your hopes high, Your drinks full and Your true friends by your side
Name: Emma
Details: 34 years old (Gemini), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Cheshire (the real Shire), United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/oxemmaxo
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In my own words

I like to get drunk and disorderly which usually involves dancing around like a complete idiot then feeling a bit crap after bacause the crisp butty and alcohol have mixed in my stomach! I have the most amazing friends in the world and I'm sorry but MINE ARE BETTER THAN YOURS. Im pretty chilled with life, i like to think what ever happens, happens for a reason. I work in as a Legal Sec! I like being round people that don't mind a bit of banter, don't take certain things too seriously and I can actually have a conversation with whether it be about an inteligent or mindless interaction (ohhh get me).
I'M RESIGNING, I'M HEREBY OFICIALLY TENDERING MY RESIGNATION AS A TEENAGER! I have decided I would like to accept the responsibilities of an eight-year-old again! I want to go down to McDonalds and think its a five-star restaurant. I want to think that M and M's are better than money because you can eat them. I want to eat a whole packet of chips without feeling guilty afterwards. I want to return to when all you knew were colors, multiplication, tables and nursery rhymes. I want to return to w
In A Perfect World...

Everyone would achieve their dreams and goals in life. I would be able to spell. Government wouldnt be so shit. Poverty doesnt exist. Racism wouldnt exist. Everyone who can drive wouldnt be so shit, so those who are safe drivers wouldnt have to be defensive all the time. Traffic lights on roundabouts wouldnt exist (I mean what is that all about). Playing music on mobiles whilst in public places would be arrest and jailed foreva :S
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Comments 10 of 19 | post a comment | view all
blackrise666 wrote...  
hello there how are you today :) xx
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richie2k1 wrote...  
you are stunning babe love your eyes! xx
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jamieruss81 wrote...  
hi there how are you. whats you plans today you look beautiful i would love to chat more with you. you been watching much of the olympics xx
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danny_boy_boro wrote...  
hey hunni
got some amazing pics babe
ur beautiful
love get know u
fancy a chat
get in touch
danny xxxx
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mikecr22 wrote...  
hi hows u what u up to x
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alex23northwest wrote...  
happy valentines sexy.x
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truesweetboi wrote...  
wow ur so beautiful fancy a chat sumtym wb on here and add me [email protected] scott x
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hollands wrote...  
hey how u doing fancey a chat babe xxxx
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boy_racer_88 wrote...  
Playing music on mobiles whilst in public places would be arrest and jailed foreva
I concur =]
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wakkarules wrote...  
Hey chick, just read your profile and you sound great, you sound like someone I should know! lol I'm Andy by the way, how are ya? xx
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Favorite Things


RnB,Hip Hop, Dance, Soul, Brum n Bass ect

TV Show

The Truman Show, Billy Elliot, Bridget Jones


MY BED its the best place on this earth

Music, car, phone, the usual


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