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Name: oro7777777
Details: 32 years old (Aries), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Sheirngham, Norfolk, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/oro7777777
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In my own words

Im Olly, msot people call me Oro though :) I currently attend Paston College and I study Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Chemistry. Bit of a doss really wheyyy. I can be quite arrogant at time and i'm rarely serious but im a lovely man really :)
If I was a Millionaire...

I'd buy loads of stuff I don't actually need. Like I do at the minute with my EMA but this would be on a much greater scale.
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Comments 10 of 15 | post a comment | view all
xxrannyxx wrote...  
i have absolutely no idea! it's silly :P mainly a bit of COD every now and again, but been replaying GTA because it's been years since i last played :P how about you? xx
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xxrannyxx wrote...  
run out of messages, swear i've only sent about 3 today though :S nice to meet you olly, i'm rhianne :) didn't get up to much last night. played a bit of GTA and that's about it! hate not having any money. xx
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solosd10293 wrote...  
i added u cuttie x
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solosd10293 wrote...  
msn 1st then skype lolz .. wats ur msn x
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solosd10293 wrote...  
reallii .. thanks u .. ur gawjus x
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blood_rose14 wrote...  
I'm not good. =[ I'm Ali. *Hugs*
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blood_rose14 wrote...  
Pif! You lieee. How are you? *Waves* =]
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little_fuzz_666 wrote...  
addded! xD
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little_fuzz_666 wrote...  
msn babe?
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x-suicide-cloud-x wrote...  
Hmmmm S`pos (:
[email protected]
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