Blog | |  |  |  | My 8 Steps to being a better person
|  | This is my opinion of what anyone can do to make themselfs a better person..
1. Respect your body beacuse no-one else will 2. Release yourself from your EGO and your illusions of inadequacy and neediness 3. Appricate yourself for what you are and DO NOT TAKE CRAP FROM ANYONE! 4. Only commincate the truth to people 5. To let go of past expirences that serve us badly 6. To be there for others 7. Take responsibility for your actions 8. SMILE! |
Comments | 6 of 6 | post a comment | view all |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  | likklestar wrote... | |  | hey hun,how u doing?? just wanted 2say your profile has got 2be 1 of the best 1`s on here! what you say is so right x x x |  |  |  | send message |
|  |  |  | |  | riderbitch69 wrote... | |  | heya ure profile is kwl and u seem like a rli nice guy! if ya fancy a chat thn message me back. em xxx |  |  |  | send message |
|  |  |  | |  | diamonddj wrote... | |  | hey, i couldnt pass by without sayin hi, n that you have a very kwl profile, everything you say is true n every1 should have yr attitude 2 life x x x |  |  |  | send message |
|  |  |  | |  | brightbluejeans wrote... | |  | If everyone shared your attitude the world would be better off I'd say ;) Maintain that positive, optimistic seed in you..It's cool! |  |  |  | send message |