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Name: Kay
Details: 32 years old (Libra), Female, Single, Bisexual
Location: { Glasgow }, Scotland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/ninja_charm
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in dublin
Getting squisssshed
In my own words

Likes :
Guitars. Drums. Necklaces. Films. Photographs. Hugs. Guitar Hero. Tattoos. Piercings. The Pub. Acting. My car. Uni. Driving. Work banter. Gigs. Strawberry Cider. Summer. Road Trips. Death Cab For Cutie. Weird earrings. Baking. Paris Je Taime. Accents. Nights in. Nights Out. Sleep. Txts.

Dislikes :
Early mornings. Work. Bad photographs. Creepy older people. When my car cant handle bad weather. Bad gigs. When people don't txt back. Losing stuff.

Yes, i do have msn. No you won't get it if you're old and creepy or if you're just generally after sex. Bit of chat too much to ask for?

My Eternal Dilemma...

is to think of an eternal dilemma...
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Comments 10 of 14 | post a comment | view all
tez23 wrote...  
Hey, hows it going? I just saw your profile and wondered if you fancied a chat sometime. So if you want to chat email me back. C ya then
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girl-interrupted-13 wrote...  
Yeah he was really good =] Are you on MSN? x
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girl-interrupted-13 wrote...  
Yeah it's good, was there recently seeing Rusko, was fricking amazing like =] x
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girl-interrupted-13 wrote...  
I stay there termtime, was in student halls up in Maryhill, dunno where I'm getting a flat next year. Where do you out in Glasgow? I like Subclub and Cathouse in particular x
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girl-interrupted-13 wrote...  
I'm at Glasgow studying Chemical Physics, is awesome :D do you live in Glasgow then? x
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ladymateee wrote...  
Thank you =]!! You also have a good taste in music :P x
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coldwar_kid wrote...  
Wowowow _ You like some awesome music! The Academy Is rule <3. Plus you're really pretty .
Go team :]
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cuteface__x wrote...  
I'm really good too thanks! x
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cuteface__x wrote...  
You're very welcome & thanks :] soo how are you? x
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cuteface__x wrote...  
WOAH woww you are so pretty honey! :] x
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Favorite Things

anything, as long as it tastes goood..

like all kindss tbh, mostly anything acoustic

TV Show
BtvS, SatC, Family Guy, Scrubs, American Dad

C.S Lewis,Stephanie Meyer, Chris Anderson

Girl, interrupted, Donnie Darko, Hackers...

Night Club / Bar
Wetherspoons. Driftwood. Capitol.


My bed, or my very own home-made recording studio

guitars,my tattoos =) alcohol.. my car!


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