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Name: Neb / Ben
Details: 38 years old (Gemini), Male, Single, Bisexual
Location: Roath, Cardiff, South Wales, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/nebbus
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In my own words

I'm Benji, enough said =) I'm a nice, sometimes quite shy, guy. Don't get me wrong I can be a real extroversive Bitch if I want to be but generally I'm the type of nice guy who is 'too nice'. If I got into a fight with someone I'd likely hit them then ask if they were ok. I'm quite 'content' with my life as it is at the moment. I've got one of the cushiest jobs, great friends, and being someone thats easily pleased my social life is pretty decent. All thats missing is that special someone that I havent found yet.
Find me someone equally or more mature than me but with a similar twisted sense of humour and I'll buy you an ice cream lol! I'm after someone I can love and be loved by. Fairly low maintenance and doesnt require constant attention is a plus but at the same time I'm a hugger :-p
In A Perfect World...

everyone would believe whatever they wanted but be nice to eachother regardless
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Favorite Things

Chicken Curry & Chips, Pot Noodle & Chocolate

Rammstein, QOTSA, Oomph!, Enter Shikari

TV Show
Scrubs, Simpsons, Skins, BSG, Firefly, 24

I can't decide between Orwell or Kerouac

Mysterious Skin/Fight Club/The Doors/Last Samurai

Night Club / Bar
Welsh Club, KX, La Tasca, Lava


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Anywhere I can be free (to smoke)

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