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Looking for my Mr. Darcy
Name: Natalie
Details: 52 years old (Scorpio), Female, Single, Straight
Location: South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/natini
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my dog Sami
me and my cousin
In my own words

Enjoy yourself, always try your best and don't take loved ones forgranted because we don't know what tomorrow will bring. Follow your heart. I like the simple things in life - could be you!(only joking)
In A Perfect World...

There'd be no war, famine or poverty, discrimination or cruelty. My mum would still be alive and her and my dad would be happy and healthy, so would I and all my friends and relatives. I'd work with my friend Julie again, and Liverpool would be winning everything in sight! They'd find a cure for Cancer & Aids. It would snow every christmas. I'd have a fella to come home to every night!
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10inlad wrote...  
very nice. great body hun x x x
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8 photos
Favorite Things

chilli, choc, sunday roast, beans on toast,

Depends what mood i'm in!

TV Show
Ally McBeal, Sex & The City, footie,

Roald Dahl, Ruth Rendell, Marian Keyes

Jerry Maguire, Some kind of wonderful

Night Club / Bar
you can show me some!

Dogs & birds


Anfield,the countryside,County Down(NI),venice

my mum's wedding ring.


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