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Unique, Imperfect, Kind
Name: mymasquerade769
Details: 35 years old (Gemini), Female, Single, Bisexual
Location: Mount Hollywood, North Carolina
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/mymasquerade769
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In my own words

I wonder to myself, is the world this boring? Is my generation incapable of leading a life that isn't just the typical bullshit? Why can no one rise over their tribulations and thrive? Do they not understand that to breathe true happiness they must create a world around themselves that is not full of shit.So here I am, nineteen years old,living the high life in my mind, and I feel as though it is all self created. Yet somehow, I still find myself lost in moments where there isn't something that I have to do or am working on, when I rest, I become restless. ADD, thats what the fucking DR.'s will say. I say I am a product of my own environment. I spend my early teen years keeping myself as busy as possible so that I couldn't find time to think about the things I was facing, depression being the biggest item on the list. I found my own cure for both ailments, being a workaholic and removing myself from a town I hated seemed the only way. I
The Meaning Of Life...

Is to be the best person you can be in spite of all the strggles we face as human beings. Its to brighten someone elses day, without thought of what you can get out of it. Its making a child smile, when you know they dont have it the best. Its giving a hug to a stranger just because they are crying.
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Favorite Things

Um, Whatever that day calls for

Everything!!! (and i am so serious)

TV Show
House MD, Family Guy, CSI

Stephen King

Prozac Nation/Homeroom/Girl Interrupted

Night Club / Bar


I dont have one anymore...

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out at night under the stars

My car.


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