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pretty like drugs
Name: anna
Details: 33 years old (Pisces), Female, In Relationship, Straight
Location: leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/moshingbabygirl
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In my own words

right this is me a lesta tramp,

i anit one of those fake lesta wanna be tramp though

the thing about us lesta tramps is, we like to get drunk alot! and were sex mad.

we hang out in trampy places like new walk, the park, ally ways.

wot we do 4 fun is takin pics of sexual preditors, and having our pics taken with them.

we like clubbing, n listenin to music, n ofcourse getting drunk whilst doin this.

we like to find strange, dirty places to have sex in.

our bedrooms have mouldy food rotting in them, smells like sweating sex, mixed with alcohol,sick, n air freshner

we dnt shopin places like primark , cuz were to high class 4

we usally hang in groups of 5, but in my case i hang in a group of 3.

we usally dnt have jobs, cuz were to fussy about wot we wanna do.

we dont like sterotypes,racists,skets, wanna be's.

we dont like being sober when everyone else is drunk

my mates wud describe me a dry ho.

In A Perfect World...

no wars
no cruelty
no twats
no skets
no racism

jst fun, fun fun, alcohol, music, lauhing, dancing, kisses, hugs
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Comments 10 of 28 | post a comment | view all
steve-t-88 wrote...  
heyy hows you?
and how are you goin to spend you sunday?
i think its a lazy sunday for me had a hard weeek :(
hope to hear from you
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illz wrote...  
caramel stunner...jeezus
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oralgod1985 wrote...  
heya huni, how are you? You had a good weekned?
Iv been quite chilled just got back from Hol on Fri so pretty jet lagged and back to work on Monday which sucks... you have much planned for the week?
Youre a very beautiful woman id love to chat sometime dont really know what else to say... mail me back on here
Or if you have msn add me oralgod1985@live.co.uk xxx
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mackeyman wrote...  
lukin nice u been upto much this week x
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sexyby69 wrote...  
Hi hun u k where in mids u frm ive just moved ere not long ago cuz of my job u sound really nice and ur really pretty was woundering if u got msn and wanna chat email bk xxx
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mr___big wrote...  
hello lovely x
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steve-t-88 wrote...  
hey where abouts in leicester u from i got some mates there and how u doing? why rnt u out x
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maverick372 wrote...  
ta for aceptin the friend request babe, how you doing? whats your plans this fine day?xx
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ryan-turner-100 wrote...  
cheers for the picture comment! same can be said about you x
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l_e_e_n_o_1 wrote...  
1 word. Amazing! If that doesn't cut it, let me know and I'll try again. Lee x
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Favorite Things

tjs, chineese, twiglets, cookies, popcorn, waffle

techno, clubs, dance, metal, rock, indie,

TV Show
shameless, the hills, 2 pints, family guy

never back down, greenstreet, number 23, saws,

Night Club / Bar
liquid/ envy, varsity

rotty, english bull, pitbull, choc labs,

my m8s n bf

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