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wench for all
Name: missamoeba
Details: 37 years old (Taurus), Female, Lesbian
Location: West Midlands, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/missamoeba
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bit wonky
In my own words

"Sometimes I wave to people I don't know. It is very dangerous to wave to people you don't know, because what if they don't have a hand? They'll think you're cocky. 'Look what I got motherfucker, this thing is useful...I'm gonna go pick something up.' " --- totally not my own words.
My Eternal Dilemma...

Cake or Death?
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Comments 10 of 82 | post a comment | view all
staff-jim-man wrote...  
cool profile :-) and looking hot too x where abouts in the mids are you then?
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l4343 wrote...  
Hey, hope you're well. I thought I'd say hello as I like your profile & you look fun. I'm online on skype now if your fancy having a chat. Add me leeroy4343 speak soon Lee x
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dundeetam wrote...  
stunning pics r u on msn hun?
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69fine wrote...  
<3 x x
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69fine wrote...  
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_evolution_ wrote...  
I'll let you in on a secret, I never passed through puberty. Dani is stuck in pre-pubescence too. This makes you a peado. Lolx Love youuu!
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69fine wrote...  
hmmm i have no idea why you're classed as a woman and i'm not. then again, i'd never class myself as one, but i call you woman all of the time. you're even 'Woman' in my phone.
x x
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69fine wrote...  
ok ok.. wifeychops :) or slutface..hmmm.
Where exactly does it call you a woman, and me a girl? Maybe because I'm still a teenager? And well, lets face it- you're not exactly a spring chicken.
Ahh no, well you wanna get used to it because you'll have more than just the one cat to moan about soon enough!..exciting times??
x x
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69fine wrote...  
Chops...do you know what I miss the most? Leaving silly comments for you to find.
I don't think 'I want you in me' or 'sit on my face' would go down well (pun?), even as a joke or for old time's sake.
Hmmmm. I'll think of a sutable alternative.
x x
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69fine wrote...  
But on a serious note- i've just been around hampstead heath, walking my friends dog. It is a beauiful day, not too hot, so it was perfect. Gretchy babes, this time next month you'll be free. I'm almost jealous because I have nothing to look forward to.
x x
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all kinds of strangeness.

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GoT, Parks & Rec, House

safran foer, dan rhodes, anais nin, kate atkinson

some like it hot, ginger snaps, delicatessen


corsetry, carbs, calculus


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