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make yOu minE?
Name: makeyoumine27
Details: 35 years old, Female, Single, Straight
Location: Philippines
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/makeyoumine27
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you and me. ( :D )
aww. , nothing to do!
how luck i am.. (lucky manzano and me)
too early.. lol
In my own words

hmmm...i hatE dEscRibiNg mYseLf t0 teL u frAnkLy...buT fiNding it fUn dEaLinG wiD iT hiR iN faceparty...wiD n0 sec0nd tH0ughtS,hiRz h0w i sEe mysElf...
uHmm...mE???hU aM i??? tHiNk iT 0ut f0r urSeLf...!hehe...tHe nAme's naThaLiA...*simpLe *a L0viNg fReaKin fRiEnd *i cAn giVe u a c0oL c0mpAny(wish me luck)...aNd miNd u...iM jUz an0dEr fAcE iN d cR0wd... iM a typiCaL tEenaGe gUrL dAt mAke miStAkeS 0cCassi0naLLy buT dEspiTe 0f mY iMpErfEcti0ns,i d0 mAke friEndZ...w/c a l0t m0rE imp0rtAnT m0rE dAn s0mE 0der thiNgs...yipEe!!! Hate it wen i need t0 diet and i l0ve it wEn i have pLenty 0f cH0colates and 0thEr sWeets hehe!!! takaw ak0h eh (iM admitted) ...haha!!! i cnt heLp it...Mahilig ak0ng gumimik with friends. I 0ways l0ve to lend my helping hands esp. t0 th0se that are special t0 me....im n0t in a d0ubt wen it c0mes t0 that matter---HELPING!!!! *NAKS* I kn0w my limitations(why of course!!!)....Kikay ak0 hindi lang halata...TuG0inKsS
If I was a Millionaire...

ill do anything.
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joey7843 wrote...  
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yo, doin nothin..
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boracay madness!
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Favorite Things

korea,filipino,chines se and italian

trance , house, and techno.. chicane, moony, b

TV Show
sex and the city, nip tuck, 7th heaven., laguna b

damn, do i need to read books?

american pie, dodgeball, the prince and me, kingk

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