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lifes like a box of chocolates all the good ones are taken
Name: maria
Details: 37 years old (Virgo), Female, Single, Straight
Location: birkenhead, Cumbria, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/madcow666
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me aqnd my little streak ov puffyness
In my own words

why do we press harder on the remote wen we no the baterys r dyin wer in da nursery rime dos it say humpty dumpty was an egg y dos fat chance n slim chance mean da same thing y is it called a building if its alredy built y is da word abbreviate so long if sum1 is cured of amnesia wil they eva rememba they 4got if u died with braces on wud they take them of is it posible 2 get adicted 2 counseling if so wots da treatment do fish sleep y wen u tel sum1 ther r 4 billion stars do they believ u but chek wen u say the paint is wet y dosent tarzan hav a beard whos idea was it 2 put an s in the word lisp if ppl evolved from apes y r ther stil apes y do ppl return 2 the fridge with hopes of sumthin new havin materialized y is it that plastic bags neva open on da 1st go y is it that wen u try 2 stop sumthin falin of a table u always manage 2 nok sumthin else off if money dosent grow on trees y do banks hav branches y dos round piza cum in a squ
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yes 4000 i rok and u all luv me lol xxxx
This Week's Plan...

start my new job n c if i can get a new fella oh ye im livin the dream!
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Comments 7 of 7 | post a comment | view all
andyt666 wrote...  
u look dam fine 11/10 fancy chattin n sum fun? Andy x
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foxiefay05 wrote...  
maz ya back in liverpool? im goin 2 c the boosh in november. a yis. x
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scotslad2004 wrote...  
hey there, you on msn??
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ashmeister69 wrote...  
hiya,just browsing thru,and cum across u,read thru and had a gander at ur pics,and,u really r beautiful,neway sorry i ent neuffin speshal,but i cudnt keep ma eyes off ya pro!!sorry this an essay but wanna cover everything,makin sure u know i ent a faker!neways,cud u drop me a line or too,and maybe we could chat more to each other,if you wanna rate me u can,and will return the favour,thanks for your time babes,hear soon i hope xxx (msg bk asap :P)
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romantic_romie wrote...  
Hey there beautiful, how are ya?,
I just wanted to say hello and hope your week have been good thus far,by the way, if you ever want to chat sometime, just let me know and i´ll drop my msn off to ya,,so dont be shy to come by and say hi ok? cya ;=)
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foxiefay05 wrote...  
maz ya mad biatch, how r ya? x
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dison wrote...  
Thats high quality h2o? Waterboy is the fucking nuts! Good shout there babe. Drop me a line some time xx
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anything exept wrist slashing music

TV Show
boselecta,jackass,dir ty sanchez and hollyoakes

dave pelza, raymond fiest, david eddings

dirty dancing, jackass, the green mile,armagedon

Night Club / Bar

me only joking

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