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Name: Sarah-Lou
Details: 36 years old (Gemini), Female, Single, Lesbian
Location: In Bed. Do Not Disturb., Scotland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/lurvlee_laydee
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The 'village' street
In my own words

Time for an update methinks, first things first:

"23 years old (Gemini), Female, Single, Lesbian" End quote.

Read the above. Lesbian. I'm not interested in guys, or threesomes with you and your girlfriend, because your sex life is up the swanny. And the fake guys pretending to be girls stand out like Josef Fritzl at a 'Good Parenting' conference, so you can get to buggery as well. I like girls. End of; rant over.

Moving on... Girls? Feel free to get in touch, I'm not as much of a bitch as I sound, honest! I like cuddles and kisses and weepy films and chocolate, but I also like out-drinking my man-mates, rock music, TopGear and playing my guitar as outrageously as possible.

Pretty mixed bag to be honest. Get in touch. x
In A Perfect World...

I wouldn't get hangovers. Feeling like your brain has capsized, with your heart beating like a fucked clock, is not a good way to be. Either that or I'd drink less and remember more.
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Comments 10 of 31 | post a comment | view all
xoxcheekygirlxox wrote...  
heys hows u?? lovin ya profile xx
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green_eyes_dani wrote...  
Stunning! You have the hoteest lips ever! Drop me a message if u fanc a chat mwah xx
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wkdhottie wrote...  
Heey how are you doing? :)
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melodyxxx wrote...  
How are you?
I was reading your profile and thought was quirky made me smile as i was reading it.
Talking of smiles i think you have a lovely smile if you dont mind me saying.
Hope your well x
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lyracist wrote...  
1 word hun....BOOM!!!x
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2pinkies_69er wrote...  
Hi Sarah,
How are you ?
I liked your profile. Do you fancy chatting some time ?
Sorry there is no pic but I am getting pissed off with people nicking my pics but I can show you one on msn ;)
Charlie xxx
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floro wrote...  
im not middle aged u goon, im 37, the bald spot on my bowl head might give you the impression im older, anyway i know u love middle aged men, u look like u do xx
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rudegal123 wrote...  
hahaha ow dear :( my 18th was gd went to a rstrant with spme m8s lol was crazy they had mike nite! :P then went clubbin... nah not up 2 much am suffering from a hang ova now :( wat bout u? xx
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floro wrote...  
i understand you now when u said my last victim, it only cos i read back the comment i sent, forget what i had said being its all shit ha. have u seen on bukins profile, for her fav place she has put ur bed or mine. oh lord
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floro wrote...  
hhahaah what you mean my last victim? your internet connection sounds gay, sort it out as i look forward to your replies x
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Favorite Things


Muse. Seen them live at Wembley. They rule.

TV Show
TopGear! Infact, anything on Dave really...

Requiem for a Dream

Night Club / Bar
If it's got vodka, and lots of it, I like it!

My cat, Charcoal

Jeremy Clarkson! He needs to be prime minister!

It vibrates, and no, it isnt my phone. 'Nuff said


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