In my own words well im not very gd at these but im 17 dunno wat u tink off me ive been told im a nice person 2 talk but if u talk 2 me ill let u decide tat so anywayz tat a lil bit bout me and if u wanna talk add me on msn [email protected] plus i luv 2 av an adventure i luv rock climbing bungee jumpin drrivin at high speeds luv 2 swim but onlyif its in open waters nun off the bullshit swimmin bars man i mean cum on av a lil bit off an adventure ummm... gettin hooked on sky divin neva dun it but if i eva get the chancer 2 ill do it so there a lil bit bout me :)(: p.s if yr maerican add me plz i luv american girlz
My Best Day... was wen we were movin all the tv's in the warehouse and me m8 dropped at least £7000 worth off plasma's then the boss walked in and he shit himself but no d.w nuttin happened 2 him he just had a long day cleanin the toilets and scrubbin floors lol was funny as fuk