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Crazy yet sweet & a whole lotta fun!
Name: Louise
Details: 36 years old (Capricorn), Female, In Relationship, Straight
Location: Great Yarmouth(not great as its name implies), Norfolk, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/lou4eva
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Me before christmas night out
Me :-P
Me in turkey :) had proper pics done! hehe
In my own words

I'm a crazy girl who loves doing things i enjoy. Life is short, do what you want while you still can, don't hang around wasting your life away when you can do things you want to do and enjoy. It's nice to think bout the future but think about today rather than tomorrow. I'd love to travel to many places, definates including New Zealand, Japan and Russia.
From Now On...

Gonna try and be happy in life, move forward from all the things that get me down and have been holding me back in certain aspects of my life. i hope one day i'll be happy but if that happens then i'll let you all know! Gonna start making the best of myself as you only live once and I wanna feel good while i'm alive n not look back and have regrets, gonna do what makes me happy, perhaps despite others' feelings, since everybody else does.
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Favorite Things

Chicken, mexican, Indian & Italian! :-P

My tastes go all over the board so can't specify!

TV Show
Scrubs, Friends, Joey, desperate housewives

Love reading but aint got a favourite

Meet Joe Black, con air, LOTR

Night Club / Bar
Yarmouth Arena or the pier


Too many..can't pick one!

My room/bed lol...i'm not lazy, honest! ;)

Couldn't live without my car, phone 'n' PC


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