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being bitchy and unstable is all part of my mistque!
Name: Alex
Details: 34 years old (Taurus), Male, Single, Gay
Location: Ludlow, Shropshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/lord_zander
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In my own words

its me agen, back to update as have been a while, woopsie! how is every1? well im in my 2nd yr of college, best not ask me how thats going :| lol, um well im friendsly and funny, and tend to wear my heart on my sleeve, so if im annoyed, u would tend to find out! haha, but i have lots of good points too! :D xxx
My Pet Hate...

...when im drunk and people talk about me in front of me, but dont seem to understand i can still hear and know what they are saying about me, that reli gets ma goat! xxx
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Favorite Things

Pasta, MARSBAR TOASTIES!!! chinese

Everything, 'cept Classical

TV Show
Will & Grace, Queer as folk, dh,fw

Marc Atico( i think!) How i paid for college

Miss Congeniality, legally blond, Bridget Jones

Night Club / Bar
I do my own partys! *spits on clubs!* hah!

Whippet (no sex comments plz!)

BM! yummy! mates, erik rudy! luvya all!

St. Tropez! and Switzerland! bright

hmmm my car in waiting


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