| Name: | loopy_loz69 | | | Details: | 34 years old (Virgo), Female, Single, Straight | | Location: | *~PoMpEy!!*~, Hampshire, United Kingdom | | Profile Link: | www.faceparty.com/loopy_loz69 |
In my own words
:+:+:+:+:+: sorry if i aint perfect, sorry i dont give a ****, sorry i aint a diva, sorry i just no what i want, sorry im not a vigin, sorry im not a s*l*u*t, i wont let you break me....think what you want! :+:+:+:+:+: |
In A Perfect World...
*~*Is EvErYtHiNg NoT aLrEaDy PeRfEcT?!! *~* |
Comments | 10 of 12 | post a comment | view all | | | | | | | | | | | | | | hamedi69 wrote... | | | hey there hun! and how might u be?! if u fancy a chat just post me your msn addy, fanx hun. x | | | | send message |
| | | | | | jamod1210 wrote... | | | hi my browser fucked up n didnt send that last mssg then i run out, nightmare, ma facebooks ben mitchell but theres about 30 million that come up. whats urs?? x | | | | send message |
| | | | | | adam1482 wrote... | | | hey hun, hows it going? what have you been up2 then? anything fun and exciting?!! dont suppose you fancy a chat sometime?! | | | | send message |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | jiimmy1 wrote... | | | you are stunning if you fancy reading my profile and you like it get back to me | | | | send message |
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| | Favorite Things Food ~*ChInEsE!!~* Music ~*HiP-hOp, RnB, dAnCe!!~* TV Show ~*HoLlYoAkS!!~* Author ~*i DoNt ReAd!!~* Movie ~* FoOtBaLl FaCtOrY!!*~ Night Club / Bar ~*aNyWhErE wIv AlCoHoL!!*~ Animals ~*dOgS/hAmStErS dErE sO cUtE!!~* Person ~*FaMiLy!!*~ Website Click here to view Place ~*bEd N dA bAtH!!~* Possession/Thing ~*My FoNe N mY sHoEs LoL!!~* |
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