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Good friends bail u outta jail, best friends sit next to you n say That was freakin awesome !
Name: Kaia
Details: 43 years old (Gemini), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/lonewolf_kaia
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cheeky stretch
Ready for the beach
being a lonewolf
Me posing ? nahhh *chuckles*
In my own words

I love beach volleyball, in fact i love being near the sea as i was born on the beach (probably where i was conceived too but i dont think ill ask my folks that one) I love to read talk about anything & everything (its a gemini trait)I enjoy cooking and i do bake, just dont tell my friends that... its a Macho Thing go with it ! I see that when it comes to profiles people tend to give a brief description of what there looking for, well i dont like narrowing people down like that, its like saying ok i want a hot mute female nymphomaniac that owns a bar (giggle)Now i know you cant make someone fall in love with you, all you can do is stalk them and hope that they eventually give-in (just kidding)but heres my Sales Pitch anyways. *cough* (ahem) If your looking for someone devastatingly cute sexay and completely irresistable then ... try finding out what brad pitts email address is, but if a nice friendly goofballs on the agenda then holla !
My Dream Date...

Ok first and foremost she must be between 3 ft & 8 ft tall (Any taller or shorter and id get neck cramps) She has to like my taste in music (The haunting sounds of the chanting Himalayan Monks, The Lord Of The Rings soundtrack).... ok she just has to put up with it lol. Yeah yeah so im abit slow sometimes... 5 million sperm cells and even i cant believe i was the fastest !
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Favorite Things

Anything unhealthy - oh and chuppachups

Billy Ray Cyrus, 101 Tropical Bird Sounds (jk)

TV Show
60 mins,

Terry Brooks, Tolkien & Dr Seuss cause he rocks !

School of scoundrels - Tombstone - Sound of music

Night Club / Bar
The Elephant and the Wheelbarrow

Do i count ? tee hee

My blow up doll Mona ! .... oops

The beach !

I laugh at my own jokes haha.... oops again


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