In my own words
 My name is kelly I like guys that have tattoos, but its not essential. read this? have the message subject as smelly and u might get a reply :P I can't live a day without sugarfree redbull and cigarettes. I love animals and have a French bulldog puppy called Bella. No my piercings didn't hurt, I wouldn't of got it done twice if it did. I make colourful cupcakes. I'm also pretty lazy. My bed is my world. |
In A Perfect World...
 i would have cute messages for when i wake up in the would think i'm most sexy when im makeup less and in my baggy pj's.. you would write me little notes and leave them round my room.. you would take me drinking while sight seeing in london or somewhere with lots of animals i can go "awwww" at :).. surprise me everyday.. hold me and protect me from all i'm scared off.. and miss me more than ever when i'm not around .. :) |