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plurple fllooomp!!!!
Name: Karen It's my Birthday!
Details: 34 years old (Cancer), Female, In Relationship, Straight
Location: big sxc belfast (gr8 isnt it...NOT), Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/lil_dina_doll
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me an cattt!
nuuu hair!
:D ooooooooo luk at her pose!
In my own words

yes im a mcfly freak,AN DAMN PROUD OF IT *ahem* i love pink as in the colour.hug me i sparkle <---i hav a top that says that.glitter kicks ass.so does shiny stuff an bubbles (vivo en una barbuja).i make random decisions like 'i kno ill get my hair all chopped off after growing it 4 2 yrs' i speak b4 i think.how does a slug die wen u put it in the sea? does it drown cos or the water of fizzel cos of the salt?ive been told i look innocent but i can hav evil moments.i dunno.*thinks*i h8 it wen u straighten ur hair an its windy.i love pollylops.addicted 2 tropical 5 alive.it shud b tapped only 4 me tho cos i love it more than u.dave the fish kicks ass.i also hav stripey mittens an limpets rock...think bout it... apparently u all have been told that I am JAYS karen, well! hes rong! hes MY jay!MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
My Mum Says...

stop tryin 2 sell ur brother on ebay
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Rock =D

TV Show
friends,will and grace, scrubs etc....

Dan Brown

alice in wonderland

Night Club / Bar
my 1 it s kewl u shud go there!

a pritty flutterby!

mycasormyjloormykezifurnotits4 areason

under the stars *sigh*

fairy wings,pink an black stripey socks they rule


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