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Tall, Dark and Handsome..
Name: chloe jones
Details: 34 years old (Sagittarius), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Coventry. Jealous?, West Midlands, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/lice_in_my_eyes
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Adding personality to photos since 1988.
My sexy round hair.
I've really got into this smiling business.
Thats not a wonky pout. Well, i suppose it is
In my own words

Hello! Now, im friendly, sort of... Unless i tell you to go away, in which, its because i hate you. Im not popular, im not cool, im not super, so... if that is the reason your planning on talking to me with, or sending me an insulting message saying you don't like me, then get back get back! Im depressed, i spat out my lip piercing, and now its healed up!
Right, Bands, People always write them, so i will write some to attempt to sound cool, failing.

"T-rex, Queen, Maximo Park, El Presidente, Editors, The Subways, The kinks, the who, Kasabian, blondie, Bloc Party, MJ, The Dead 60's, R.E.M, beatles, The Rakes etc...

Now, everyone who reads this must message, me and i mean EVERYONE. I feel lonely when noone except boys with gelled down fringes and old men message me, Oh and rate me. NOW

Noone blimmin messages me ever, im becoming depressed.
My Dream Date...

I shall rewrite this :D Now, dark hair? (Its all a repeat, just in different words!) Anyhoo, dark hair, Quite tall? Or short really? Or blonde as a matter of fact... Thin, Thins cute, though a little exra is never bad. Indie, or.. Not too chav-like :S
Someone talkative, and amusing, but not too boring, and nice and sarcastic, who insults me. I like to insult people, so they gotta be able to do it back! :D But not real mean insulting, i might get offended!
Someone frie
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Favorite Things

Right now? Angels Delight!

Right now im into t-rex, BOLAN! Oh and musicals!

TV Show
Charmed, Smallvile, Cheesy american dramas!

Dean Koontz...

Trainspotting/Pulp Fiction/Ghostworld/Fight Club

Night Club / Bar
golden cross, colly, campbell, dog..

PIT BULL TERRIER cute no matter what anyone says

My mum... And my crew! Yo charlot! Innit.

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My bed, its rock solid and metal, who cares!

My phone, yes.. very uncool i know.


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