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Name: Liam
Details: 38 years old (Cancer), Male, In Relationship, Straight
Location: Wigan, Lancashire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/li_2003
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Me, Eva and Jon
My beautiful new car....ruined!!
Jon's Project Pic
Me (Left) & Robert
In my own words

I pretty much fit the bill for a stereotypical student, I have a considerable amount of debt to repay, I spend far too much time drinking, and if I'm not drinking, I generally just sit around and do as little as possible! Ahh uni, the best time of our lives! One bonus though is I've recently found out that if your abroad for three years after graduating, you dont have to repay your student loan! winner! Australia here we come!!!
From Now On...

I'm never driving anywhere abroad!!! or visiting france full stop!!! the whole near death experiences over the past few weeks have been enough to put me off leaving the house for a long time! Oh and I should really try and spend less time drinking! A night out in Manchester is very disorientating when you disappear from everyone for 2 hours and suddenly find yourself in the train station 10 minutes away from the bar you were in!!
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Favorite Things

Indian/Italian/Mexica n

Indie/Rock/Emo/Ska etc

TV Show
The Oc/Family Guy/Scrubs/Soccer AM/Mighty Boosch!

Dan Brown

Usual Suspects/Sin City/Idle Hands

Night Club / Bar
As long as there's alcohol, I'm relatively happy!

Trevor, he breaks everything at work!!

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Anfield, bed, Prague

My phone/My Car (I hate walking!!)


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