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Good things happen, shit things happens, life happens!
Name: Martin Jordan
Details: 48 years old (Gemini), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/kinluvit4ever
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In my own words

Age means VERY little as our WHOLE life depends upon our state of mind...I've met some STUPID and DUMB pretty people and yet some intelligent, smart ugly people..So where does true beauty lie? We can't say it is with our parents...EVERYTHING else is PURELY genetics!!
In A Perfect World...

Everybody would be fit and healthy and there would be no cigarettes and no SHIT food! People would be free and clear minded and EVERYBODY would be SO Happy that we would ALL be BEAUTIFUL!
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Comments 10 of 10 | post a comment | view all
lovellybabby wrote...  
hello my name is Lilian i will like to be your friend can you welcome me ? if yes then write back to me here is me email [email protected]
yours friend Lilian,
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wot_u_doin wrote...  
haha sure, sounds like a males ideal food x
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wot_u_doin wrote...  
just preping a sunday dinner for mother today you? x
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mackie_ wrote...  
Well i only intend to go for 6 months..but anything can happen..if everything works out then ill just stay! I have no ties other than my family :)x
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mackie_ wrote...  
Yeah been a nurse for over 2 years..just need a change from the UK..so Aus it is :) x
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mackie_ wrote...  
Good luck with medicine :) im off to do some nursing out there next year..just need a change :) x
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seannie_boii_27 wrote...  
hi martin
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lornabee_buzz wrote...  
if u like
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lucy-harton-69 wrote...  
Well that's a very long reply lol but I have a feeling I may just be your type x I'm very much an exhibitionist I do like walking around my flat naked it's liberating :) not had a boy to share my place with for a while so I've not had the added benifuts of a hot naked guy to look at x I do love a big muscly guy (like you) it's a natural turn on I'm not ginna lie x love a guy who keeps fit, has great stamina and wants to get me into bed at every opourtunity x as for doing the naughty things while
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lucy-harton-69 wrote...  
Hey sexy sorry for the late reply I'm at work x aw what's your addy I'm [email protected] won't be on while I'm at work though x do dare I ask what u go for in a girl ? X
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Favorite Things

Bangers, Mash, Peas and Gravy

Funk, house, disco, anything with a good rhythm.

TV Show

Paolo Coelho, Eckhart Tolle, James patterson

Any cult film.. shallow grave, t/spotting etc.

Night Club / Bar
Lakota, Danceatoria, Torture garden events


Alexander the GREAT

Aus' & a summer's evening in the UK



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