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Name: Dan
Details: 41 years old (Leo), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Fuengirola (Spain), formerly Mansfield uk, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/killernun
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Up a tree
Katie, Me and Raddy
In my own words

Hi, just looking to meet new people what ever happens from there happens. I like intelligent conversation please dont message me if you dont have a brain. Oh also if you can't actually use the English language and prefer this weird text crap, please do not bother either!
The Meaning Of Life...

Is to live as you will die tomorrow, dont take anything or anyone for granted, laugh each day, tell the person you love you love them each day and just be as happy as you can. It can always get worse. If that fails, live fast, die young and leave a good looking corpse.
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Comments 10 of 12 | post a comment | view all
doublediamond74 wrote...  
hi !! well i just put my profile up an he wrote to me calling me fat so i pointed out it was him needing the bra :P lol xx
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joopiestyle wrote...  
wow you are yummy x x
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brunutty wrote...  
Thanks :) x
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hotbodsxi wrote...  
im ok thanks im bored though what u up too xx
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hotbodsxi wrote...  
aww thanks so do u how u doing xx
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lilx07x wrote...  
er i get told that alot and dont worry i dont lol like it says in me profille peace xx
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b4byd0ll wrote...  
Thank you x
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prettyoneangel wrote...  
Thanks for the message, I have found in my experience as I also like my own space - I have given a guy as much space and as little pressure as he likes and not expected too much commitment in fact its usually them who push for commitment and usually I am the one communicating and they are the one scared of a confrontation although I am the least likely person to even have an arguement, which is why I think its weird that guys I have met are unable to be good at relationships, especially as I am
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prettyoneangel wrote...  
In my experience, most men suck at relationships and women are certainly well known for being better communicators than men! I am not saying women are perfect and men aren't. But women are much better at sticking to relationships than men, which is why womenly commonly get left with the children when the relationship breaks down - it goes to prove men are rubbish at commitment. (Not all I am sure).. but you don't have to agree with what I think? But you also don't have to give me a hard time ove
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princessalyshea wrote...  
well the hellow bit only lasts a few seconds so not not quite bt gd guess lol
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Favorite Things

Thai, Mexican, indian, SPICEY!

Rock, Hardhouse, but listen to all

TV Show
Simpsons, Lost,

David Gemmill, Dan Brown all sorts really

Too many to say. But Blues Brothers!

Night Club / Bar
Bed ( Sheffield ), Tall Trees (Newquay), Passion!

Ewock or a Wolf

The one that makes me laugh all of the time

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Up a tree

Rugby ball or a book


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