Name: | kaylz-07 | |  | Details: | 33 years old (Gemini), Female, Straight |  | Location: | wrexham, Wales, United Kingdom |  | Profile Link: | |
In my own words
 HyA, iM kAyLeIgH,I FinishHd scHooL at cLeWdOg HiGh SchoOl about a year ago anD i sTartEd at Yale colLegE tHis (x)yeAr I am doiIg a BtEc NatiOnal diploMa iN HeAlTh AnD SoCiAl CaRe. (x)I liVe in Marchwiel. I loVe alL me m8ts tHey aAe the bEst (x)thInGs in tHe woRld,tOM,JaY,gAv,BeCkY,hOlL iE,aMi,eMmA,pRiTCh,kAt AnD AlL mY oVa m8s In mY LiFEpLeAsE fEeL FrEe tO lEaVe a cOmMeNt EvEn If i dNt kNoW yA XxXxXxXxXxXxXxX |