|    In my own words
 Hi I am josepath from Tamilnadu, India. I am looking a sponsor for our studies. I have 2 brothers and 3 sisters they are still studying. I am finished B.SC (Mathematics) degree. Now I want to Make M.Sc but unable to study. My father is a catechist. He is working in a church. E-mail: josealex897@gmail.com Now I am doing typing work but my salary too little and it is not enough for my basic needs. But, my sister and brother are expecting my salary. So, please help for our studies. Every month at least you send £ 80 for our studies. I repay your money after getting a good job. Many times I am asking help to others but they are not interested to help for us and some peoples sent this message to me fuck off. That is not a lie. I am not cheating you.Please believe and trust me. |
 The Meaning Of Life...
 But I am telling honestly. i'm a honest person. If you are going to do I never forgot in my memory for life long. If you are interested please contact my mail. Skype: josealex279 This My Younger brother Exam Result: Name: J.Alex britto he is doing second year computer science.now please check his exam result. main web: http://thiruvalluvaruniversity.ac. in/ Result web: http://results.southindia.com/t.ht ml Register No:1282602.college web: www.shanmugacollege.org |
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