|    In my own words
 overtly enthusiastic adolescent still clamoring for new experiences, doing my best to prevent my egotistical, worldly self from getting too jaded. i've spent most of recent history living large in london, and now find myself doing the brooklyn thing.
seems as if i'm perpetually dating, perpetually single. i pretend to live an incredibly exciting life, and my ego says i'm the coolest person you'll ever meet, even though i'd much rather just stay home and have a nice cup of soup sometimes. |
|  |   Favorite Things Food anything spicy Music synthpop (dm, psb, elkland), indie, pop, house TV Show skins, torchwood, little britain, w&g Author kurt vonnegut, travel writing, paul burston Movie get real, hackers, sarah silverman Night Club / Bar heaven, popstarz (london), hot dog Animals woof Person my mum, richard brason, kathy griffin Website Click here to view Place london |
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