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Name: iwantmyshoes
Details: 36 years old (Cancer), Female, Open Minded
Location: here, West Midlands, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/iwantmyshoes
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In my own words

I get far too drunk far too often!!
I swear quite a lot much to the dislike of my friends and family
Like most people I love my music and mates and without these life wud be well boring.
People who judge ppl on how they look or who they hang out with really p**s me of something chronic,get over it who cares?
Reading festival?!
yes please love that festival.
I wanna get a tattoo done but have no idea what I want so for now the whole tattoo plan is on hold.
I like
The Beach
The rain
The stars
My converse
My bed
and lots more
I really wanna go to austraila before I die so fingers crossed

Im am really quite envious of people who know what they are doing in life and what they want out of it.I havent got a clue but I guess it's cuz I dont really tend to plan ahead or anything which I guess is a bit stupid of me sometimes.
I really should be able to drive now,or at least be learning too but Im far too lazy
Blast from the past
Does anyone ever use this site?
My Pet Hate...

When you open the door for someone or let someone go before you and they dont say thank you
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Comments 10 of 523 | post a comment | view all
thedreamersdisease wrote...  
I'm real good - just saw Kasabian tonight, it's worth the sacrifice of sleep ha. Yeah I really think so, I remember talking to you a lot back in the day on here and having a huge crush on you thinking you were captivating, enchanting, I guess I still do. You capture my imagination and my mind. What's it like being you for a day? Haha x
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ryza1985 wrote...  
Add my snapchat ryany1404
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mwh1 wrote...  
Hey! How's you? So glad it's Friday! Anyway just fancied saying hi! Hopefully a message that isn't the usual 'wanna funk' or 'yaw fit' might stand out?! Maybe even get a reply?! X
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bigbloke73 wrote...  
Hey how are you? You still not found you're shoes yet? x
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nottz-juvanile wrote...  
Hey beautiful how's you ? Just read your profile and like what I see loving your gorgous green eyes :) drop us a line xx... P.s all pics on profile old just haven't got round to changing them yet :) xx
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andrewrobert wrote...  
Hey! Very pretty! And swearing too much is not a bad thing... About that not having a plan bit, the best lives aren't planned. So feel good about just winging it day to day. How you doing today by the way? I'd love to chat :)
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mwh1 wrote...  
Hey hows you? hope your sundays going better than mine! i feel horrific!! anyway just fancied saying hi, hopefully a message that isnt just 'wanna fuk' might make a change?! whats the odds on a reply?! xx
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bigj4ck wrote...  
hey how are you? What did you get up to over the weekend? I have to say, you look amazing in your pic! Do you want to chat? speak soon! x
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domlestorm wrote...  
Hey there, Thanks :) all is going super duper here!! have you been upto much with your week?? Much planned for the weekend xx
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domlestorm wrote...  
Hey there, Thats ok all the best things are worth waiting for as they say lol! :) how are you today?? Have you had a good week so far?? xx
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