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not your average girl!
Name: Sam
Details: 39 years old (Capricorn), Female, Single, Straight
Location: somewhere, Cheshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/icklesam
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at present
the castle at night
at graduation
In my own words

I am a genius! Well, maybe not. I do poi and contact juggling. I write, read, talk, walk. I do a bit of clothes design, a bit of dancing, a bit of whatever I fancy doing at the time. It's all about doing something. Getting on with things.
It's here, might as well use it
Well, I have a lot of work to do. Uni work. Dissertation. And more.
Still, it's all good for when I leave uni and go back into the real world. I'm looking forward to it. I really am. The weensiest bit scared though....fingers crossed I'll do well.

Here's to the future!!!
If I was a Millionaire...

I would pay of my student debt and any other debt accumulated, I would go on holiday, buy a house and rent it out then buy a house and do it up to something I would love. I'd buy a juke box, send mum on a cruise, give a thou or two to my brothers. I'd learn to drive both car and motorbike, then buy a VW campavan, a Lexus, a Royal Enfield and Ducati 996. I'd get some of my clothes designs made by actual dress-makers...There's so much I would do...
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Comments 2 of 2 | post a comment | view all
claire2884 wrote...  
hey you adding more new pics - well done on getting your work handed in on time (Fancy telling my students how to do the same)see you soon x
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claire2884 wrote...  
hey babe
nice pics we will have to remember a camera next time we go out! hopefully ill get down to see you in 2007 xx
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45 photos
18 photos
Favorite Things

gammon, pineapple, jacket potato, salad, pizza

rock,reggae, ska, indie, 80's, blues, soul

TV Show
house, scrubs, futurama, CSI, family guy

george orwell, douglas adams, tom sharpe

cry-baby, hairspray, 300


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in bed

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