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52 slim and blond hair and blue eyes
Name: ian
Details: 42 years old (Leo), Male, In Relationship, Straight
Location: belper, Derbyshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/ian200556
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night out in notts
me in sadlers
me in derby
me on my bday in newquay 05
In my own words

Well where do i start?! Im 25 and im a lifeguard at a swimmin pool in ilkeston. And i really love my job! As u can see i like sport, and playin it is much better than watchin it!! I also play hockey, and im in a local team. Also support The Rams!!!! If u want to no any more send me a message or add me on msn.
If I was a Millionaire...

I would buy all the material, standad,ordinary things such as a apartment in park Lane however the heart that i could give to you is pricless and worth much much more than any amount amount of money I could give to you.
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Favorite Things

Italian, Chineas and English

club pop rnb

TV Show
littel britten and a like


Dirty dancing, and sum chick flicks, comdy

Night Club / Bar
Up for any

hammster, dog, cats and horses

funny bubberly and take me 4 who i am

my bed room and the net

my car and mob oh and lazy dayz .


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