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Old guitar & blue eyes =]
Name: Jay
Details: 31 years old (Gemini), Female, Single, Bisexual
Location: Manchester, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/iambrokenharted
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In my own words

I-LOVE-TO-LAUGH. If you make me laugh, you're in. I love to sing and mess around with my guitar, and I love to write. I also love changing my hair, it's rarely one colour for longer than a few months. I'm a vegetarian, I have an intense phobia of ladybirds, and I watch Family Guy. Oh and I just quit smoking, yaaay! =)

Check out my blog at www.jaykellyblog.wordpress.com

Also I'm trying to raise money for studio time.
If you'd like to take a look go to: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/16230118 01/jay-kelly-curses-demo

Ev ery little helps, even people just sharing it or telling a friend. Anything would be greatly appreciated =)
If I was a Millionaire...

I'd travel more.
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Comments 10 of 143 | post a comment | view all
andrewrobert wrote...  
You have a fear of ladybirds? Like, ladybugs? :( I'm not making fun, just curious as to why. I'm sorry to hear that... You'd hate October here then :(
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steveistheone wrote...  
I'd love to fix that broken hart of yours :D xx
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bigbloke73 wrote...  
Lovely profile Jay, I'd wish you'd change the profile name tho. Its making me feel sad! lol x
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rdcbttf wrote...  
Hi just thought I'd send a message...seems a good place to start haha.
I'm Ryan 25 from Sheffield, hope your ok.
I just want to say that you do look beautiful, I know I might not be the best looker in the pack but if you think I look half decent then I would love to meet you for a drink and a chat what do you say?
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l4343 wrote...  
Hey how's it going? Hope you're well. Just saw your profile and thought you looked fun so I'm saying hello. I'm online on Skype if you fancy having a chat, leeroy4343, add me. Speak soon Lee xx
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goldentoken wrote...  
Mmmmm sexy :)
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locker wrote...  
Hi jay , loved your profile and pics and would love to chat sometime...
I know my profiles a little empty but can send loads of pics and chat
Via kik skype or whatsapp....
If you like your fellas muscular with tattoos and that little bit more then give me a shout!!!
Kik bartez_
Skype lockerblue
Ps I rated you hot!. I would have gone for f@&kin amazing! But they don't have the option!!
Dan x
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topladlad wrote...  
Ello gorgeous! How r ya?xx
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rossnlaura2013 wrote...  
Hey hun u ok? x
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mrbamf wrote...  
hi :)
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My Nan, shes amazing =)

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My books and my guitar =)


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