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love is rare, life is strange, nothing. . . lasts & people change
Name: Emzy
Details: 31 years old (Libra), Female, Single, Straight
Location: a place in north eastern, New Jersey
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/groovie_noodles
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oo lala
In my own words

wow my own damn words, interesting i could say a lot of things but i probably won't but you could figure out some things that i could have wrote later on or. . .idk eventually. . .or maybe not because. . .um mm mm. . .i said so. . .so what now bitches. . .muahhhh *kisses* :{) hey and you know if i had added details to this paragraph maybe just maybe it would be a longer paragraph for you all to read.
The Meaning Of Life...

LIVE EVERY DAY AS THOUGH IT'S YOUR LAST!!! To be happy and live every moment to To live every moment to the fullest with the people you love and care about surrounding you. To live and learn through everything and don't let people change who you really are NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS. TO EXPRESS YOURSELF AND NOT CARE WHAT ANYONE AROUND YOU SAYS JUST ENJOY THE MOMENT AND LIVE IT UP TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY. To follow your own dreams and not live a path layed out by anyone e
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taco_n_fries wrote...  
dude!!!! so nxt time we smythe wer gunna take a pic witboth of us n put it az ur main pic yo
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taco_n_fries wrote...  
hey beast!!!!1 im actually doin hw/// soooo its kindof hard2 privvy chat. im busy dude!! hahai bet ur wurkin on tht fukin history essay 2! am i rite er wut?
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Reeses Peanut Butter Cups

Rock( bullet for my valentine, all time low ect .

TV Show
sappy drama show

who reads

so supid its funny, horror, comedy, romance

Night Club / Bar
your pants . . . he he


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