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Name: ryan
Details: 36 years old (Libra), Male, Single, Straight
Location: gayton (a village in the sticks), northampton, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/gr1ff
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In my own words

Had such a shit amount of luck with girls recently, hate cheaters, but I shall only look onwards and upwards as everyone has there day! Anyways I a decent guy so I'm told and a good laugh too! I work hard as I have just started my ownl business,(the link to my website is below) so if something about me catches your eye or there anything else about me you want to know please feel free to drop me a message and I shall be sure to reply!
In A Perfect World...

i would be comfortable in life and have no worries and a girl that I truly loved and felt the same back in return for me,, im not there yet but i soon will be!! mark my words!! i will succeed my time will come.
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Comments 3 of 3 | post a comment | view all
xxxjazzy_fizzlexxx wrote...  
thanks for the pic comment. hows it going? xx
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optmystikmisfit wrote...  
Ur from Gayton? Lol Im sorry but that made me laugh. How mature am I? Happy Saturday :) x
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austinfan1 wrote...  
hey gorgeous how are you?loved your profile, you sound really down to earth and genuine....makes a nice change from most men on here! so what have you been up to?xx
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Favorite Things

pasta, chicken, fry up's, steak, pizza, Chinese

anythin wiv a good sound track

TV Show
friends, scrubs, top gear, simpsons, family guy

dark knight, quantum of solace, step up (wierdly)

Night Club / Bar
nb's or any where i can have a gd time

my dog ben

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my bed at weekends lol

my car and my phone lol and my business!


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