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Hi, my name is Cameron AKA The Flower Child
Name: Cameron
Details: 34 years old (Scorpio), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Burleson, Kent, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/goodcam
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Through the looking glass
In my own words

I don't get upset over things because that just makes the situation worse. I don't know if you have ever noticed this but, if you keep a positive atmosphere around you, people like you more. And I enjoy having friends. But that's just me.
Also, as my friend quotes Dr. Suess Be who you are and say how you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who mattter don't mind.

Alot of people are scared away by my aptness to show off my personality no matter how much I know the person. I say why not? If they don' like me when they first meet me, why would they want to get to know me? I'm probably better off without them. Thee are plenty of people out there, I don't need to be friends with all of them.

Eventually, I would like to go somewhere simple to live. Possibly a place like Cicly or somewhere in Ireland. Mabye take a summer off even and visit. I want a change of scenery from this. I have a buddy in Russia, mabye I could liv
The Meaning Of Life...

To have as much fun and a good time to make something of Yourself while you're on this planet. Don't get depressed. There is reason to. Just be nice have fun. Take advantage of your time. What will be will be so dont get all worried in a bad outcome.
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Favorite Things

raviolli or pizza, or raviolli on pizza

The Who

TV Show
The Simpsons, Conan


Who even knows? Probably Moulin Rouge

Night Club / Bar
J.J.'s Blues Bar

Dogs of the Kanine type

That would be rude if answerd this

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Ummmm I don't know.

My life


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