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"You Shook me all Night Long"
Name: Glen
Details: 38 years old (Leo), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Sunderland, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/glen2k
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arrrrr glen the pirate!
Me n best mate kate
In my own words

Im would say im laid back, easy going and can get on with pretty much anyone. I can be abit random at times and i can change converstions in a second, i can also take things to far and be abit weird, but its all in good fun :-D Love travelling and going on random adventures, hoping to go down under for a year after uni!! Im well in to music, like pretty much everything (i have the weirdest taste in the world!!) Im going on a Euro tour in April....cant wait....Prague - Dortmund - Budapest - Berlin!!! wahooo!!
In A Perfect World...

Jagermeister, amaretto and Jack Daniels would be free!!....actually, come to think of it, in a perfect world everything would be free, hmmmm, but then again if everything was free everyone would just take everything and then there'd be nothing left which could cause riots and war and the end of the world...which wouldnt be so perfect...i think we'll just stick to those 3 drinks being free :-)
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Favorite Things

Chinese, sunday dinners mmmm

Anythin really but specially rock and indie music

TV Show
Lost, Invasion, never mind the buzzcocks!

J R R Tolkien

i like so many its hard to choose

Night Club / Bar
Legends and Tokyo


All my best m8s...Kate, Aki, Jonny, Michael, Neil

Any where ive never been before!

My Polo!


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