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Name: ryan.
Details: 35 years old (Sagittarius), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Plymouth, Devon, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/gibbo4
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drunken night
In my own words

Well im ryan. I'm not entirely sure what to say here, people who say things about themselves seem conceited and i don't see myself that way. Anyway will leave some info. so you can decide whether to message me or not. I like all the things mentioned above or below. Also enjoy spending time with my mates even though i'm currently the target of most of their jokes. Give as good as I get anyway I hope. Studying to be a PE teacher, kind of been the thing I have always wanted to do!! Anyway i'm always good for a chat, about everything and anything. Msg me or add me on msn x
If I was a Millionaire...

Buy myself a new car for starters! I think I deserve one. To list the faults: exhaust has fallen off and has now landed a very comfortable position in the car, slightly cracked windscreen, no left wing mirror, no front seat (front seat back in now), back doors refuse to open when its cold, dodgy front right tyre, poor wheel alignement, strange engine/exhaust noise(s)(MAKE THAT SOUNDS LIKE A TRACTOR GOING UP A HILL), messed up clutch arm thing that keeps on snapping.

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Favorite Things

Pad Thai, Som Tam. Most things hot, sour or spicy

Radiohead,Bjork,Massi ve Attack,Portishead,Pixies

TV Show
Ross Kemp on Gangs,Top Gear (despite hating cars)

George Orwell, Dostoevsky, Hunter S. Thompson

Traffic,Goodfellas,Pa ns Labyrinth,Usual Suspects

Night Club / Bar
The Junction. More of a small pub music man

not a fan, stroking a pussy cat- no thanks

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Thailand on a golf course having a laugh

my ipod and the music that is on it


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