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I love and treasure individuals as I meet them, I loathe and despise the groups they identify with
Name: Jim
Details: 35 years old (Taurus), Male, Single, Straight
Location: New Albany, IN, Indiana
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/fro_man
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My old pic
My fro :D
My hair braided
a pic of my current fro
In my own words

*sigh* I currently am fro-less... with out a fro. I had to get it cut to get a job.... which I got fired from 3 days into it because I lacked experence... and they apearantly didn't care to train me. Oh well, its not like I am no longer the Fro Man, this isn't the first time the Fro has taken a vacation... but no worries, it has a habbit of always coming back :P

Now, more about me, the person, my name is Jim, I am very easy going, very openminded and non judging, I have an IQ of 133, but alas, suffer from chronic laziness. Message me if you want to know any thing else,message me, I am always up for a chat :P
The Meaning Of Life...

Is to be happy, nothing more, nothing less. You only get one life to live, make the most of it, remember, it is YOUR life to live. How you live your life is completly up to you, as long as at the end of the day, you are happy, then it doesn't matter... just try and not let your quest for happiness interfere with another's ;)
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4 photos
Favorite Things

Sandwiches: quick, easy and customizable

No one genre, if I like it, I listen to it.

TV Show
Man VS. Wild, House MD, South Park

Ray Bradbury

Any thing with Zombies...

Night Club / Bar
Not my scene.

penguins, and my dog sugar

Myself I guess... I am just great :)

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My bed, no place seems safer.

My brain, it is what makes me, me :)


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