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Um... (enter some cheap and tacky comment about sex and guys here)
Name: Spike
Details: 37 years old (Leo), Male, In Relationship, Gay
Location: Coventry, Birmingham, Southampton, Warwickshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/fridayschild69
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20th birthday, me and george
20th birthday with girls from work
me and lauren not looking impressed
me and trev
In my own words

I hate writing these, seems so much like a personal ad! Oh well, here goes! Am a fun loving lad, originally from the south coast, but moved to the midlands a year ago for work! Didn't work out with that company, but moved over to River Island and have just got myself a fab new job in their Leamington Spa store! Will be MD before ya know it! lol! Nah, will take a long long time to get that high! Area Manager wouldn't go a miss though!

Live in Coventry with my fella, who I love lots and lots, saving up to buy our own place next year - hopefully in Birmingham, so tend to stay in with mates rather than go out all the time, but when we do go out we make the most of it!
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New Horizons, New Start, NEW BOY (Singular)
Well, suprise suprise, after just a few days up here, I managed to find myself a new fella! Things are going very well, and definately like him! Haven't slept with him yet, so thats a very clear cut sign that I'm into him, and this one actually treats me like an actual human being, strange, I didn't know there were blokes out there that actually did that! But here we go again, synical me, somethings bound to wreck it, in this case, it's bound to be a lesbian! Oh well, only time will tell!
From Now On...

I'm gonna love you like there's no tomorrow, I don't wanna wait until our time has come and gone. I'm gonna hold you now more than ever, I'm gonna love you, I'm gonna love you, From now on. God, life's a song isn't it! But can you guess what it is and who it's by? Give us a message if you think you can!
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Fun nights with the Edge
8 photos
Photos of me
7 photos
Favorite Things

Chocolate, anything with Pasta. Roasts

Kylie, any Pop/Dance/Clubby stuff really

TV Show
Sex And The City, Will and Grace

Lauren Weisburger and Candace Bushnell

The Devil Wears Prada, Mean Girls, Camp

Night Club / Bar
Nightingales, The Edge/Isobar (Soton)

Puppy, Tiger (grrr)

Would it be vain to say ME? lol

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In bed, so comfy!

Computer, Phone, Sky+


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