In my own words thought it time i changed this bit a lil. right well into most music but mainly hiphop best say hello to people i know on here dan tell martin to sort out his hunch back, paula you sorted those boyfriend problems. well i only have a few hobbies well two now in busted my knees i cant play rugby no more so thats boxing and me cars oh and one more thing my pooch is the best dog in the world :D
In A Perfect World... id be rich and women wouldnt bitch and moan about every soddin thing they can
postys back again hahaha update update woooopwoooop . how u doin hun PAULA IS BK CRAZY AS USUAL well gne bit worse not wif paul anymore he become agressive n controlin so he had t goooo wooop haha get in touch foool , ur dog has xum along bleedin massive now was only a pup wen i last poke t u xx
oggy oggy oggy hey hey dude long fukin time ayyyy.... how u fookin doin crazy legs get in touch u tit face hehe. hey iv had a baby now yano a lil boy called Ellis hes 3 half months old x