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Need to start looking after No.1 x x
Name: Sarah
Details: 41 years old (Scorpio), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Wrexham, North Wales, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/footygirl1981
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SAY CHEESE lol (right cheesy smile)
In my own words

Life is for living and we are what we are,enjoy everything you do and don't judge people on the way they look! WE CANT ALL LOOK STUNNING NOW CAN WE!!! If you rate me please drop me a line to let me know,thanks! Hi to all my mates on here,you're all great!!! Brian(Bambi15)you're an absolute star!! I'll NEVER forget what you did for me when i was down your end! You basically saved my life babe..Love ya xx(oh,and you STILL owe me a plant lol) RACH my best mate is a DIAMOND, LUV YA BABE and her son Callum is just a little cherub :-) xxxx
Blog 4 posts | view all
You may welcome people into your life that want to hurt and destroy you, but always remember one thing....friends are for life!! No matter what happens, always make sure to take time out for the people that really matter, even if it's only a quick hello, because one day you may need them, and they may need you!! Hold your arms open wide and cherish every moment...NEVER let anyone take you away from them xx
In A Perfect World...

everyone would get on with each other and stop being so god damn shallow! In the most perfect world though, God wouldn't have taken my special friend Adam(firetrap1980) away at such a young age. He was a one in a million guy and i loved him dearly & still do . He is greatly missed by all that knew him. You'll be missed baby, love ya loads, rest in peace and you'll always be in my heart xxxx
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Comments 7 of 7 | post a comment | view all
danny123uk wrote...  
hey sexy sarah hows u? xx
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p50arf wrote...  
hey not at all, hope ur okay thanks for the hello you up to much xx
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flukes815 wrote...  
lookin good babe u ok? x
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rodge_2003 wrote...  
Ooo ur hot i so want ur sexy bum wats ur addy? x
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kieran_surridge wrote...  
stunning baby - msn? xxxx
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cardeen wrote...  
Hey gorgeous how's u?xx
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shaf121 wrote...  
hiya hun seen ur profile thought id say hello hope you dont mind if you fancy chatting message me back some time thanks j x x x
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7 photos
Summer 2010
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Favorite Things

Mexican, Steak or salad probably

Dance, allsorts really

TV Show
Shameless & Soaps are ok i guess

Martina Cole

Anythin that can make me giggle

Night Club / Bar
One I can have a good dance lol

Anything but cats (i like kittens though lol)

My family,Rach.love you all xxx

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Dominican Republic xx

My Blackberry


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