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Sexy crazy cool!!
Name: Nat
Details: 39 years old (Cancer), Female, Single, Open Minded
Location: Leamington spa, Warwickshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/flirt_tease_moi
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In my own words

Im funky and crazy but lovely and a great friend to have when u actually get to know me so take the time out to do so- it will be fun i promise!!! My new years resolutions are to 1) get a decent job- which i think i'll find difficult after not working for sooo long-amazing how u come accustomed to not working, lazy really i know, thats why im going to change it, u know new year and all that. 2) get more organised- as im so not! declutter my house and life god im such a hoarder! I exist on another time schedule 15mins later than everyone else. I was three weeks late being born. Thats 5 minutes for every week. It doesnt matter if im up 2 hours early, i'm ready to go an hour after i'm supposed to be there! Its actually true-bless the people who actually put up with me!! X ciao!X
In A Perfect World...

...there wouldn't be any dilemnas as in which man to choose to take home with you for that evening. You wouldn't need to straigten your hair you'd save plenty of time because u would wake up and you would be like oh its already straight. I would have access to all clothes ever so no fashion crisis's too, like u walk into a bar and you find out your wearing same dress as someone else aarrrgghhh!! See its the easy things like that we need to make our day to day lives bette
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liverpoollad321 wrote...  
Hello sweetheart hope your ok:D
im so bored got no gf haha and with my lil one hes my true love:D
fancy chat on msn so much easier!
hope to hear of u soon love declan p.s happy valentines day!
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Favorite Things

Pasta, Rocky bars, Curly Wurlys, Salad Cream

Fallout boy, Razorlight,Tenaciuos D, High Rising

TV Show
Lost, Friends, Ugly Betty, Desperate Housewives

Dan brown, Problem pages

Lucky Number Slevin, Wonderland, Outlaw

Night Club / Bar
Anywhere classy no back st pub for me

Puppies and kittens- small and cute!!

James he's just like me!!

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Fiji its where i wanna be!!

My lg chocolate- i love u!!!! -it died its tragic


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