In my own words Where is the best place to go on a Date ? There is no best place it really depends upon the two people and their interests. I love to go to a buffet so I can get lots to eat no matter what my date wants to do. This is especially good if she is realy boring as I can just keep excusing myself to get some more fried chicken.
One of my best first dates was with this hippie girl and we got arrested together at the Seabrook New Hampshire nuclear plant.
Where will you be in 3 years from now ?
Very comfortable.I hope to be in a state run mental hospital by then. Hopefully have a room with a view. I would have been retired and really fat and rich with many servants at my beck and call but I lost my tattered shirt with the downswing in the market all those shares of Enron I bought at $52.00....
What really makes you happy and what makes you sad ? Happy is when my tv remote works the way it sould. Sad is when I run out of pork rind
In A Perfect World... in the middle of a good soap opera with no commerical breaks. Happy is a really large freind sharing there bottle of tabasco for our copius amount of pork rinds. Happy is sitting out a huge windsstorm in my used 62 split level trailer home. (Split due to ground water seepage). Sad is hearing Oprah is going to have Richard Simmons on for a complete hour...
I'd just like to Add.... I really need to find someone as overweight as me to watch my day