In my own words Hello everyone welcome to my profile.
Im Rob AKA ferg 25 from Harlow essex.
Not really sure what to put here and I doubt many people bother reading it anyway
I must say though the amount of fakes on here realllly makes me laugh...Like this male/female xxsweetsexygirl has used a picture of a famous person and tried to say its them! lol
Anyway message me for a chat or somthing.
My Funniest Moment... Its not funny for me but everyone else thinks its funny...
Was when I was walking through Faye's back gate at night and she was hiding behind the fence with some of our mates and she jumped out screaming...I fell over I was so scare and screamed myself...
Hey hey my gergeous man How are you baby I miss you loads cant wait to see y ou tomorrow even tho its only been like a day since i saw you last lol Love ooo lots xxxx