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You're only as strong as the tables you dance on, the drinks you mix and the people you hang with!
Name: Toni
Details: 40 years old (Leo), Female, In Relationship, Straight
Location: Stowmarket, Suffolk, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/fcuk23
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If you don't know the story, you don't know me
Tip your hat for the ones you love!
Cuff looking for someone. Walker Texas Ranger?
Will, complete with beer in hand. Shocking.
In my own words

I am a fun loving, good time girlie. I work alot so when I do get the chance to go out, I make the most of it.
I'm pretty easy going (except at work!) and I love to laugh.
I get slightly annoyed with people that just add you to look popular then never message you! How Rude!
My Funniest Moment...

I was about 17, drunk (shock horror) and out with my mates Gladys, Zoe and Sam in Ipswich one Sunday night. We had gone into the Town Centre Maccy D's for some munch and I was first through the door.
What I hadn't realised in my drunken stupor was that the door mat was sticking up abit and I tripped on it and skidded pretty much all the way down to the counter on my tummy. That was by far the funniest and also most embarrassing moment of my life.
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bloback wrote...  
wuddup blurd hope alls good in da hood! probs check ya in the refurbed oak sumtime soon! onelove!
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My Friends!
16 photos
Easter Monday Madness
8 photos
My Last day at Ufford Park. Sniff!
12 photos
Favorite Things

Chicken, Chicken and more Chicken!

Anything and Everything

TV Show
Greys Anatomy, OC, ER and Desperate Housewives

Any Autobiographies

Love Actually

Night Club / Bar
Liquid Envy

Big furry dogs!

My Mum,Gladys and Kelvin!

My Bed

My car and my phone


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