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Name: Dave
Details: 36 years old, Male, Straight
Location: York, Ontario, Canada
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/evad3d
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May 2012
In my own words

What in my own words?
My Eternal Dilemma...

What to type in this box...
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supergirlkl wrote...  
hmm, i always have something or another on my mind.. atm, it's just a whole mish-mash of things.. can't really pin point what's the problem =[
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supergirlkl wrote...  
awwwh, does it feel good to be back?
i'm all fine and dandy thanksss.
super super tired though *yawns*
haven't been sleeping too well these past few days =/
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supergirlkl wrote...  
awwwh, thank youuu =)
although, tbh, i'm reallyyy nothing special!
how're you today?
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taco_n_fries wrote...  
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soopachezz wrote...  
Nah, going to bed soon, been decorating and cleaning all day and night lol. busy weekend too! What about you, why you up? xx
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soopachezz wrote...  
Yeah I could've done my 2nd year over there but it would've been too much to sort with my flat here and things. Well, I am lucky to live next door to a 24 hour asda, to which I regularly go on 4am jaunts to. However on a sunday they don't cater to my needs and close early :(
Um, I was born in Johannesburg, my british father wanted to come home, so we moved when I was 6. Moved all over the country, finally settled in the north east. And last time I went back was 12 years ago, so I'm hoping to ge
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soopachezz wrote...  
Hmm of the two I can tell you where I'd rather be. What are you studying there? Yeah I live the other side of the water, not that far. And I am also rather nocturnal unfortunately, especially as the shops and places of works tend to be open in the hours I prefer sleeping
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soopachezz wrote...  
Mmm 'sentence' contains far too many syllables, you need to stick to the likes of 'cat' 'mat' 'rat' and pictures from Nuts for them to comprehend.
You live not that far away from me really do you? Ah I need to go to sleep, 4am, gawd. haha.
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taco_n_fries wrote...  
sup dude? blahblah boredom
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adams_loobob wrote...  
same,got my hair cut(looks rubbish,i could kill them!)and i got another tatoo but thats it.x
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Interpol, Autolux, Smashing Pumpkins, Muse,

TV Show
24, The West Wing, Scrubs, Lost, Green Wing

Voltaire, Al Franken, John Steinbeck

Pulp Fiction, Shaun Of The Dead, Collateral

Night Club / Bar
Mr Lynch


Currently under revision...

Anywhere but here


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