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Im engaged!!
Name: Emma
Details: 37 years old (Sagittarius), Female, Engaged, Straight
Location: Soon to be Hillsbourough, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/ems-200
Recent photos41 photos | view all
In my own words

I'm a mental health nurse working in Belfast for over a year now. Its challenging work with my biggest challenge being trying to hide my ditziness and general stupidity from the people i work with! Moved back to Belfast after a few months back home... now living in the girliest pad ever, complete with a mini, jimmy choo shoes and many many handbags! Been with Andy a whole year and eight months now... hes the only one who understands my madness... because hes even more quirky than i am... life would be very dull without him... which is a good job since we got engaged when we were in Croatia and now we're stuck with each other forever and ever lol... i really couldn't imagine myself with anyone else! That just about sums me up!
Wedding blog!
This blog has become my wedding blog! The big day is March 2010 so less than 1 and a half years to go!! So far only the reception venue has been booked and photographer thought about... oh so much to do... I'm thinking dresses and shoes, dresses and shoes, dresses and shoes!!
From Now On...

Keep having as much fun as Ive been having lately... Ive never been happier! Enjoy work as best as i can... but enjoy the pay cheques and my fab mini more lol!
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fhoxyd wrote...  
hello :D x
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rachael07 wrote...  
ha ha ha ha ha i found you!!
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Galleries6 galleries | view all
Croatia 08
6 photos
Nights out!
13 photos
Crete 07
9 photos
Favorite Things

Thai, italian, christmas dinner

A lil bit of everything, but mostly house/dance!

TV Show
Ugly betty

All Hugh Grant films

Night Club / Bar
The parlour, even though we'r never there anymore

Kittens and goldfish

My family, friends and andy

My bed

My pretty mini and my handbags


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