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funny, kind, caring and really shy lol
Name: Edd Sib
Details: 38 years old (Aquarius), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Abingdon, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/eddking1
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me quite drunk!!!
my car at Japanese Auto Extraveganza
my new car!!!
In my own words

if any1 has a car to try and give mine a race and win then bring it on cause you have no chance hahahahaha. I have msn which is [email protected] if you wanna apply for an a**e whopping. and i quit smoking woooohhhhoooo!!!! but seriously though i'm the kinda person that can get on with almost anyone and im always up for a laugh i really enjoy my cars and my footie and enjoy hanging out with me mates. so if you just want a chat and not a race lol then send a msg or add us on msn.
If I was a Millionaire...

then all my mates wouldn't have to work again and i would buy a street and let all my mates have a house down it and then i would buy a 2.0 turbo nova lol and do my car up to, then have the biggest party of all time lol
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21 photos
Favorite Things

pasta, pizza, kebab

Rock of any sort, D&B, house, R&B

TV Show
Viva La Bam, dirty sanchez, formula D

lol i think not

The Girl Next Door, football factory, the busines

Night Club / Bar
Park End, Anuba, Ocean Collins

my mate barry's dog lol Akita awesome

Wayne Rooney cause hes a legend

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in my car and my jacuzzi

my car, my psp, my phone, jacuzzi


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