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I Wanna Tell Her That I Love Her, But The Point Is Probably Mute!
Name: Bill Thomson
Details: 39 years old (Pisces), Male, Straight
Location: Essex, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/e_z_b
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me with cake
me with good pals anna and jess
Acting The Clown
Me with my good mates Chloe & Kee
In my own words

Been through a lot of rough times in my life (which can be explained as We get to know each other) and am now looking for a bit of happiness.

I enjoy most things and am open to trying new stuff.

I enjoy all sorts of music and films and am told I am a decent bloke and loyal to my friends.

The majority of my mates tend to be female and I am told instead of working for William Hill, I should have my own chat show ala Jeremy Kyle because I sit and listen to all my mate's problems.

All I care about is people being happy whatever that entails and truthfully I often don't think of my own happiness before others.

Don't get me wrong though, I aint a walkover and it will take someone very special to win me over, I got some really special mates who like me for the man I am and I won't be molded or change for anybody.

I don't have a specific type, I do like a girl with nice eyes and a caring nature and I tend to go for brunettes b

Today is a New start, heres hoping that 2006 is much better then 2005 was because that was a very poor year for me.

Also got dubbed "The Sweetest Straight Bloke Ever" by somebody today!
From Now On...

... I plan to find someone really nice to settle down with and have a few kids sometime in the future (just to clarify).

Also gonna try & trust people again with my heart.
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Favorite Things

Italian Or Chinese

Garage, R&B, Rap, Rock & Hip Hop.

TV Show
Minder & Porridge

Books? What Are They?

See No Evil Hear No Evil (At The Moment)

Night Club / Bar
Jumping Jakks

Bengali Tiger

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Anywhere That I Am Happy

I'm Not Materialistic So My Health Maybe Love Too


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