Name: | Donna | |  | Details: | 34 years old (Gemini), Female, In Relationship, Straight |  | Location: | Costa Del SpEnNyMoOr, Durham, United Kingdom |  | Profile Link: | |
In my own words
 This is me, I couldnt choose what i was gunna look like and how my parents decided to dress me, so I think i'm a lil stuck! **Don't be boring** **Dress cute wherever you go** **take 2 many pictures** **dont hold grudges** **laugh so much YOU CRY!!** **SING, like no1s listening** **DANCE, like no1s watching** **DRESS, like no1 cares** **KISS, like you'l never kiss again** **RUN WILD, like you used 2** **LOVE, like you've never been hurt** **BE SEXY, TRUE, WILD, BE YOU!!** |
Blog | 2 posts | view all |  |  |  | Getting Branded!!
|  | I gossip so I guess im a BITCH..I show my stomach so I guess im a TRAMP..I like to get my nails done so I guess im a PREP..I like to dance and shake my ass so I guess im a HOE..I say whats on my mind so I guess im MEAN..I wear make up so I guess im FAKE..I tell myself im beautiful so I guess im BIG HEADED..I like to get wasted with my mates so I guess im a DRUGGIE..I talk to peoples boyfriends so I guess im a SLUT..I've been depressed so I guess im SUICIDAL! THROW ME A FREAKIN LABEL U WILL NEWA |
My Best Day...
 Getting wiv Paul and finding out a was pregnant! It was the bestest thing ever to see them 2 lines on the test and his face when i told him! OH and the day we found out I was having a girl! Cant w8 till ya here darling xx |