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Even when you touch my face, you know your place
Name: Ra
Details: 35 years old (Scorpio), Female, In Relationship, Open Minded
Location: Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/demented_bubble
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Me doing a Napoleon Dynamite impression
I even smile sometimes...
In the bathroom lmsao
In my own words

I'll be whatever you want me to be, as long as it involves a false tooth. That isn't a chat up line by the way...(just incase you got the wrong end of the old stick)I want a tiny giraffe, and a bonzai tree for it to live under. I want to pass my exams and not be the failure I'm doomed to be. I want a lot of other things because I'm a shameless material girl, *capitalists dream* I think my old boss used to call it... ruins my chances of claiming to be the poor oppressed proletariat and looking cool... I also want to stop making geeky jokes at innapropriate times darn it *That woulda been funnier if you'd written Parsons haha* I've become addicted to haircuts on a very serious scale... I hate being stared at (unless you're admiring my hair) The cheese on toast era is officially over. I hope. I will update my picture at some point, when I suddenly and miraculously become photogenic *yeah right* Oh and Louise is so more gay than me.
In A Perfect World...

{In my perfect world} Mushrooms don't exist. Neither do les situations embrouilles... Oh and Miss Knightley would be madly in love with me (and I'd turn her down just because I could haha) And I'd have my own personal tea-maker, and a job haha, andandand... The number 8 wouldn't exist, everything would be a nice happy 7. Oh, and Parsons would be the founder of functionalism rather than Durkheim, cos I look like an idiot now.
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Now: Gwen Stefani, Joanna Newsom

Yann Martel, Vladimir Nabokov

Night Club / Bar
I'm a social reject

My puppy Jasmine


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