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Name: lil-miss-fitt
Details: 33 years old (Libra), Female, Single, Open Minded
Location: london, Wales, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/deanoooooooooooo
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In my own words

1. Your Name:
2. Age:
3. Favorite position:
4. Do you think I'm hot?
5. Would you have sex with me?
6. lights on or off?
7. Would you have to be drunk?
8. Would you take a shower with me?
9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me?
10. Would you leave after or stay the night?
11. Do you like cuddling afterwards?
12. Condom or skin?
13. Do you give Oral pleasures?
14. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures?
15. Have sex on the first date?
16. Would you kiss me during sex?
17. Do you think I would be good in bed?
18. Threesome?
20. How many times would you like to cum?
21. Would you use me as a sex buddy?
21. Can I use you as a sex buddy?
22. Do you like foreplay?
23. What is foreplay to you?
24. Can we take pictures of the act?
25. Would you send me dirty pictures of you.,in exchange for me?
26. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?
Shag the hell out of you game
There is at least one person on your faceparty list that wants to Shag the hell out of you.

So lets play the Shag or Pass! game.

The rules are simple... if you want to Shag the person who posts this, send them a message saying yep, I'd Shag you.

SCARED? lol this is funny

YOU HAVE TO RE-POST THIS!! and see who replies.
There is at least one person on your faceparty list that wants to
do u so!!!

repost this as Shag or Pass
If You Pay Me...

http://www.webcams.com/affilia te/promo/moviegalleries/10086/ 35924.php?reseller=squirting_p ussy&type=2&link_text=&misc1=& misc2=&rev=0

go see this xxxx

http://ncane.com/u3s and this xx see you all there soon xx
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Comments 10 of 20 | post a comment | view all
swansea_jack_17 wrote...  
1. Your Name: James
2. Age: 24
3. Favorite position: doggy
4. Do you think I'm hot? of course
5. Would you have sex with me? if the time was right yeah!
6. lights on or off? on
7. Would you have to be drunk? no
8. Would you take a shower with me? yes
9. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? im thinkin about it, now you mention it
10. Would you leave after or stay the night? stay
11. Do you like cuddling afterwards? yes
12. Condom or skin? condom at first
13. Do you give Or
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armyguy015lad wrote...  
Hi just saw u on here and thought id say that u look BEAUTIFUL in ur pics hope u dont mind me sayin... u fancy a chat?? Msn??? xx
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carwyn3 wrote...  
http://www.facebook.com/pages/ Models-Wanted/258506868042?ref =ts
im trying to help my friend spread the word that he is offering free photo shoots, any type of shoots are available, he is just trying to build his photography portfolio if this is something you may be interested in please join his group on the link above or email him on [email protected] if it is something you are not interested in please accept my apologies for sending you this message
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mattham46 wrote...  
would u like to meet me and my gf sometime?
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haydn7 wrote...  
saying yep, I'd Shag you.
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armyguy015lad wrote...  
Hay there, was just pass in and your profile caught my eye for all the right reasons - so thought id pop over and leave you a quick message and show some love on your page. Hope you okay and well ??? would be great to hear from you and may have a chat some time my msn is [email protected]. x
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drsaucysteve wrote...  
saw ur pic and had to tell u i think ur stunning add my msn if u like its [email protected] or [email protected] as dont have cool tools and dont have any messages left !xx
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hazer wrote...  
hiya huni u got msn so we can chat bit more x
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dp107 wrote...  
hey sexy hows u>?xx
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lover_u wrote...  
hay babe j/w if u got msn n yor lookin hot!! btw babe xxx
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